WebSockets In Swift — IOS Development

Umair Ishrat Khan
4 min readJan 5, 2022
WebSockets In Swift
Realtime programming in swift

What is WebSocket ? Why do we use it ? And why did I used an image of clock?

Well WebSocket is a communication protocol that follows stateful protocol and helps us to build Real Time Application (RTA) & thats why I used a clock image. A simple example for it is chat application. If you want to learn more about WebSocket please refer to my article where I’ve made a comparison between REST & WebSocket.

For this tutorial I am going to use a demo api you can get it from here. Enough of the theory lets move to practical implementation.

Practical Implementation For WebSocket In Swift :

In the code above we have created a UIButton and added it to the View & added the button target this button will help us to disconnect our WebSocket session. So on touchUpInside action our button will call the function closeSession() on line 34.



Umair Ishrat Khan

An energetic and motivated individual IOS developer/ Data Science Practitioner. Apart from computer science Martial arts interests me the most.